10. Monthly Recap

ထုတ်ဝေခဲ့သည်။: 30.06.2024

10 months have passed, which means 317 out of 355 days are now behind me. Craaazy, it's really getting close to the end! From now on, days will be counted instead of months...

This month I have done soooo much and absolutely nothing for university. Oops. But it was my last month completely alone on the island and also the last month with Nanou, my wonderful roommate :(

In about a week, I will be the only one left from the first Erasmus semester here, and one of the last two from the second semester. I don't know why everyone wanted to leave so quickly :D

We've been checking off Nanou's and my to-do list. This also helped me overcome my car trauma, as we often rented a car and I drove quite frequently. So now I'm ready for the rental car with Mom!

As for my French, I feel like I'm getting worse, even though it doesn't really make sense, because I'm almost the only German on this island now and therefore speak almost 24/7 French. This month, I also received surprised comments several times when I told people I was from Germany and not French. That's nice to hear for a while until you realize that people now think you're a native speaker with the vocabulary of a primary school child... You are then initially considered below average intelligence, I can tell you :D

When I think about my departure, my heart feels very heavy and I am very sad. I'm also really looking forward to being home and everything that awaits me there, but it's difficult to leave behind my current home, my familiar environment, and the dear people. I feel like I belong here and I don't see myself in Germany at the moment. It all looks so strange and far away. I know that will change immediately once I'm there, but it still scares me.

Also, I feel really stressed out about everything that awaits me once I'm back home. Visiting all the people I've been promising to see right after my return for months. The orchestra trip and concerts for which I haven't done anything yet. Moving back to Germersheim. Starting my master's studies. The final exams of my bachelor's degree. Writing my bachelor thesis, which I actually wanted to have finished ages ago. And so on and so forth. But anyway, I'm trying to focus on the present moment, everything else is secondary and can be solved in any case.

By the way, there's currently a lot of stress between Léa and me in the shared flat here and it's very tiring. I'm glad to live with Mom while she's here. Nanou and Romane support me and I'm very grateful to them, I really love the two of them very much :)

June itself was overall very eventful and very very nice. Maybe a bit too nice, because now I don't want to leave :D

Excuse the jumble of thoughts, if you've even made it this far :P

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