
Day 27 - Fill, fill, fill or why diesel is so cheap

MIVOAKA: 10.12.2016


At 6 o'clock the alarm clock rings and we groan a bit at this early morning time. Yesterday Harald came by and instructed us to clear the field at 6 o'clock. We open our curtains and see no one. According to Hari, operations start at 6. All the other campers obediently leave the site - except us. We just keep sleeping, thinking that we will surely be woken up if someone is bothered. When we finally wake up at 9 o'clock, there are 13 vehicles there. This field can accommodate about 500 cars, but Hari had to send the 10 campers away. But nobody else has the guts to stay - haha.

After taking a look at the A&P Show, we head towards Auckland Airport. But there is still a lot to do on the way. Firstly, have breakfast. Done. Secondly, fill up all the tanks. We start looking for the appropriate facilities. First, we find a public drinking water tap - i.e. fill up the water tank. Secondly, we come across a gas station where our gas bottle is filled. We have used about 1.5 kg of gas for cooking meals and boiling water. Thirdly, we stop at a gas station that is cost acceptable to fill up the petrol tank. Filling up done.

After our Jucy has gained a total weight of around 100 kg, we start packing and stowing our stuff in the suitcase. Today we are going to HAWAII :-) It takes some time, but we manage it. Now it's time to say goodbye...

A friendly chauffeur takes us to the airport and finally we can clarify the burning question of why diesel is about 70 cents cheaper than unleaded petrol everywhere. Answer: With diesel, you have to buy km quotas from the government, which you are then allowed to drive. Price-wise, unleaded petrol and diesel are almost identical in the end. Good to know!

It's time: We leave NZL after great days, experiences, and moments. And now we are waiting for our flight, drinking the last Coronas we bought on the first day. Best for last :-)

Photo of the day: Our two travel companions from A to Z and Bruno* (in the background)

The Corona
The Corona

*Bruno the cameraman

Valio (1)

Guten Flug. Wir freuen uns auf die Fortsetzung.... und essen derweil neuseeländische Kiwis

Novely zelandy
Tatitra momba ny dia Novely zelandy