
Christchurch - Work, where are you!?

Weşandin: 07.05.2017

Short update on our current situation:

In the Tasman District, where Abel Tasman is also located, we were supposed to stay and work. Well, that didn't happen. Nelson, a city located just over 60km east of Abel Tasman, is almost inaccessible to backpackers (and that's where we wanted to stay and work). You get the feeling of not being welcome from everyone, whether at the supermarket checkout, in public toilets, or at campsites. The city itself is also closing more and more free campsites. It seems like they want to clean up the city from us backpackers. But that's another story. Anyway, that wasn't acceptable for us. We were treated respectfully and kindly throughout the North Island, and I don't want to miss that here. So we had to come up with a Plan B. Eventually, money was running low. The next area where there was enough work was Christchurch. Christchurch, hmm. 450km north. $100 for gas again. Well, we had no choice. We went down there and now we're here. We sent out job applications right away, but hardly anyone will answer us over the weekend. Tomorrow is Monday, then we finally know where, when and what our next job will be.

Now onto the beautiful things. Christchurch is just a paradise for campers. Here you can find probably the best, largest, and most well-equipped (is that even a word!?) campground in all of New Zealand. And it's free. 2 BBQ plates, a recycling container, countless trash cans, 2 men's and women's toilets each, an accessible toilet for the disabled, a large sink for dishes, and plenty of space (everything a backpacker could ask for). It's almost like a whole village. Only downside: hardly any network coverage. That's why this article is only coming out now. There's not much to report anyway. But don't worry, it will become more detailed, more interesting, and there will be many beautiful pictures that will take your breath away. Good things take time...

Bersiv (12)

Hamburg ^^

Schönes Wetter aber :D

Dann drücke uch die Daumen für eine angenehme und spannende Arbeit.

Cooler Vogel, schick am besten immer ein Tierfoto mit ^^

Wie der Vogel sind auch wir interessiert wie es weiter geht. Auf jeden Fall seid Ihr an dem richtigen Ort angekommen. Wünschen Euch ganz viel Erfolg bei der Arbeitssuche. Ist es noch so kalt.?

Na klingt für mich recht comfortable 👍🏻 Drück euch die Daumen das das mit der Arbeit jetzt auch bald klappt ☺️

Bei Euch heißt es wohl travel, and work?

Quatsch wie kommst du denn darauf 😄

Na, weil das Reisen klappt, es aber an Arbeitsangeboten mangelt. Wer suchet, der findet, mag da auch passen.

Brennt mal Kartoffelschnapps, damit fährt das Auto auch. So spart ihr, bei den vielen Kilometern für nen Job ...

Wir haben jetzt nen Job und ich schreib jetzt auch mal n neuen Artikel :D

Naja dafür ist unser Arbeitsweg jetzt nur noch 8 Minuten lang 🤗

Zelanda Nû
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#neuseeland #workandtravel#fun#love#sun#2017