
Koh Samui - Coco Palm Beach Resort

Weşandin: 20.11.2018

I need a vacation from traveling. I don't want to do anything, see any temples, visit any night markets, or go to any waterfalls or lookout points... I just want to do nothing. Sleep. Read a book. Relax. Lay on the beach. Swim. How wonderful! That's the plan. I'm giving myself a sightseeing ban until I get bored. Let's see how long that takes.

Koh Samui has many beautiful beaches, but they are quite touristy. You can find many families here. I choose the least crowded beach, Mae Nam beach, and remember that Britta told me she had a great time at Coco Palm Beach Resort. I want that too. The standard bungalow costs 750 baht (19.90 euros) and I book it in no time. I want my own four walls and my own bathroom. There are cheaper options available but for a change, I want something a little nicer.

The departure in Hong Kong doesn't go as planned. I wake up early in the morning, pack up my remaining belongings, check out, and arrive at the metro station at 5:45 am as scheduled. However, the metro is still closed. Oh no! I didn't expect this in a megacity like Hong Kong. The older men who are sitting on the steps, sipping tea and clearly knowing each other from this morning routine for a long time, explain to me that the metro starts running at 6 am. So I join them until a metro employee lifts the barriers. We enter the metro. It's unusually quiet. No announcements, no music. Totally strange. We have to wait again because the electronic entrance is not yet activated. As the systems start up, the constant noise starts as well. I realize how much I've gotten used to the blaring announcements. We tap our Octopus cards and wait for the first train. And we wait and wait and wait. An announcement explains that there is a signal failure. I ask locals about their experiences, but they all agree that you can't predict whether the train will start running again in a minute or in an hour. It is now 6:20 am and I have to make a decision. I need to be at the airport by 7 am. The express train takes half an hour, but I won't be able to walk to the pier and cross on the ferry in just 10 minutes. The buses run on schedule, but they take an hour to reach the airport and I don't have that much time left. So I need a taxi. I go back up to the street and try to figure out the best direction at the intersection. A taxi comes, I wave, he stops. I ask the taxi driver how much a ride to the airport will likely cost. He speaks English poorly and is slightly annoyed because he thinks I want to negotiate the price and keeps telling me that the meter will be turned on. Finally, he understands that's not the case, but I want to stop at the next ATM because I don't have enough local currency left. Then we speed off. He asks me which terminal I need. I have no idea because I wanted to casually look it up on the train. Of course, I don't have a connection right now. Shit! He asks the main office. While he believes that Hong Kong Airlines departs from Terminal 1, the lady at the office says it's Terminal 2. When we arrive at the airport at 7 am on the dot, big signs indicate which airline departs from where. Hong Kong Airlines checks in at Terminal 1. Great, that's settled. I give the taxi driver a nice tip and proceed. I can't find my flight on the information boards. Aaah, today just isn't my day I guess. So I go to the check-in counters of Hong Kong Airlines and explain to the officer with the tablet that I can't find my flight. He checks and then explains to me that the flight is operated by another airline and I have to check in at Terminal 2. Terminal 2 is in a different building. Well, that's just great!!! So my trolley and I make our way to Terminal 2. The check-in goes smoothly this time. However, I have to go to Terminal 1 again for security and boarding. I could vomit. They are crazy!!! But I'm so excited to land at the small, cute airport of Koh Samui after the short 2.5-hour flight. What a difference, what a relief. I am thrilled. This is exactly what I need right now. My pick-up is already waiting for me and fifteen minutes later, we arrive. At the reception, they explain to me that there is currently a power shortage on the island and the resort is forced to generate its own electricity using very loud generators from 1 pm to 7 pm. As compensation, I am upgraded to a superior bungalow. The noise doesn't bother me because I plan on peacefully dozing on the beach at that time anyway. However, I am very bothered by the fact that they want to give me the first bungalow next to the reception. I explain to the nice lady that I am in desperate need of relaxation and would prefer a bit more privacy. It would be really nice if not all of the other guests had to constantly pass by my bungalow. Luckily, that's not a problem and I am moved to number 333. Very nice, I am completely satisfied.

The bungalow is more beautiful than expected, the mattress wonderfully comfortable, and everything very bright and even with air conditioning. So much space for me alone. Wonderful! I am delighted. On the small terrace, I could also read or write blog articles when it rains. I'm looking forward to it. 

To the beach, it's just a few steps away. 

There's also a family and a couple here besides me. How cool. Heart, what more do you want? Moooore! 


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