My adventure
My adventure

Day 255 Visiting my Thai friends

発行済み: 07.01.2018

I would have liked to stay in Myanmar a little longer, but the places I wanted to visit are too expensive or too far away for the remaining days I had. Thanks to modern means of communication, it is easy to stay in touch with the whole world today. So for a few days now, I've been in contact again with my friends from Thailand, whom I met in June. The idea was to spend my last few days in Asia in Bangkok with my friends before heading back to Africa.

Fortunately, my friends had time and were looking forward to my visit. I can even stay at their house again. What more could you want.

That's why I flew from Yangon to Bangkok last night to meet up with my friends. They immediately invited me to dinner. It was a joyful reunion. But since the girls had to work the next day, we quickly went back to their house. They gave me a key so I can leave the house when they are at work for the next few days. We made plans to meet for lunch tomorrow and went to bed.

Since I didn't get enough sleep in Myanmar, I slept in the whole morning before making my way to their office. They had explained the way to me, but also advised me to take a taxi for the approximately 1 km long way. But since I wanted to move a little, I decided to walk to the meeting point. And of course, I got lost. After some searching and wandering around aimlessly, I finally found the right way and places that looked familiar to me. Luckily, I left an hour early, as it took me the whole hour to cover the 1 km long distance. On the way, I passed an ATM and wanted to withdraw some money for the next few days. But when I wanted to take out my credit card, I realized it wasn't in its place. I searched through the entire wallet and all my bags, but there was no sign of it. Since I had withdrawn money at the airport yesterday evening, I must have lost the card somewhere at the airport yesterday. Damn it. Well, first lunch with the girls, then back to the house to look for it, and worst case scenario, go back to the airport this afternoon to look for it there. So I did just that, and since the card wasn't in the house, I took the Skytrain to the airport. Unluckily for me, my card was neither found nor handed in. So now, I had to block the card over the phone together with my mom, apply for a new card, figure out how and where to get it, and how to get money for the next few days. I was extremely annoyed with myself. This really didn't need to happen.

After everything was sorted out, I made my way back from the airport to the house, where I waited for the girls to finish work. They had comforting words for me and decided to go to an all-you-can-eat barbecue restaurant to cheer me up.

They didn't have to convince me for long. It was delicious and we ate there for about 4 hours.

