
7th November

Pubblicato: 16.11.2017

Packed with great memories, we continued to the Tongariro National Park.

Arriving there, our fuel gauge is already dangerously low. The lady at the information center directs us to the next gas station, and after driving back and forth 3 times, and the needle continuously dropping, we finally find it. Back in the village for the 4th time, we find out that there are no more spaces available at the holiday park --> same route back --> reward - a cozy, beautiful, and cheap campsite. However, the night is challenging as we spend it in the fetal position, extending our legs regularly only to retract them immediately because it's just too cold. Yes, at over 1000 meters, you can feel that winter hasn't been gone for long, and the peaks of the volcanoes are still covered with a decent layer of snow. Actually, a funny idea - volcanoes and snow :)
