
still Ramadan

Pubblicato: 04.06.2019

Because it is still Ramadan, there is no bread to buy even in the morning, not even at the campsite. Still, no restaurant is open where you can take a tea break or have some 'brochette'. People also don't react very well when we eat and drink in public, so we always have to enjoy our breaks somewhat discreetly.

Since our weather app indicates high temperatures inland, we drove along the coast towards the north. We set up the tent in Oualidia and El Mhadia. For the long distance to El Mhadia, we used the highway for the first time. This special experience begins with the fact that some highway signs are not readable for us. So we rely on our various navigation devices in the car. Trucks are often overloaded and rarely use their turn signals when overtaking. Apparently, cars are also allowed to overtake on the right. If it's faster, you can also use the highway by bike or on foot, hitchhiking is also possible. There are great bridges for cows and donkey carts.

We definitely wanted to visit Fes, as one of the royal cities. We booked a hotel with a garage near the Medina in advance. Our air conditioning was running at full power to find the garage in the very narrow streets near the Medina, at an outside temperature of 39 degrees, and to cool our nerves. Especially when you have to maneuver 2-3 times for the street corners and three locals give somewhat confusing signals. In the hotel, despite Ramadan, there were cool drinks to calm us down after the excitement of finding the garage. The hotel itself matches the royal city: in the Palais Hoyam, we also felt a bit glamorous and golden.

We really liked Fes with its cool streets and exciting small shops, the gates, and the donkey transport system.
