
5. Monatsrückblick

Diterbitkan: 01.02.2024

The first month of the new year is over and a lot has happened - the cyclone, a car accident, buying a car, changing roommates, starting university, new Erasmus people, etc.

You won't get bored at first :D

Overall, I'm feeling much better than I was in December/beginning of January, I'm no longer homesick and I'm feeling very, very comfortable here on the island right now. This is partly due to my current shared apartment. Yasmine and Celine, the two German roommates, have now flown back to Germany, which was extremely sad at times, as we had made good friends. But I have decided to visit Celine in Freiburg :)

So two left and three came, a Belgian and two Germans who I already knew from the first semester. I get on very well with all three of them and we do a lot as a group of six, which is nice! And the cat Elliot is also sometimes there (for example on the hikes or at the pools), which is of course an absolute highlight *-*

The fact that we can do so much is mainly due to my new car, which I recently bought. To be honest, I still don't know whether that was a smart decision, but what's done is done and everything else remains to be seen. But I can tell you that registering a car abroad is unbeatable in terms of bureaucratic hurdles...

I also get along well with the new Erasmus people, it's a small group with very open-minded people who accept me into their group, even if I'm not their "Erasmus year". We often eat lunch together and have even gone jogging ^^

Things are going well with the university at the moment, I've arranged the courses so that I only have to go to the university on Tuesdays and Thursdays (but 12-13 hours a day without a lunch break, ugh). This means I can use the remaining days for my bachelor's thesis and excursions. The courses I chose are sometimes demanding, but also very interesting - let's see how the grades go.

Otherwise I do a lot of sports with the university: Salsa/Bachata and volleyball on Mondays, abs-legs-buttocks and volleyball on Tuesdays, cross-training and volleyball on Fridays (I come back and am immediately accepted into the German volleyball squad :D)

By the way, I have already booked another trip to Madagascar for May, the country somehow won't let me go... It's just beautiful :)

Overall, I now have the feeling that time is going by much too quickly and I want to stay here much longer - the exact opposite of last month. I'm very happy here!!

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