die kleine Hexe
die kleine Hexe

A week in Villgratner Winkeltal - Plan B

Buga: 25.03.2022

The original plans have fallen victim to Corona, my oldest son (27, not a little child anymore) is boosted, but he's been so sick all week that he prefers to stay in the holiday apartment in the living room and sleep, chill, and wait to get well again like a cat on the tile stove. To avoid infecting me, we keep a strict distance, wear a mask in the toilet, and I leave the food outside his door. He lives in the living room, I live in the kitchen, not nice, but better than infecting his siblings next week. There are people who don't even realize they have Corona, he was out of commission all week with flu-like symptoms.

The second point, which was not quite planned, is the unusually little snow that currently exists here on the south side of the Alps. Since I don't like to go ski touring alone anyway, I make the best out of the situation and use the stable high-pressure weather system and the associated permanent sunshine for walking tours.

Staying flexible is my motto, it's best to make the most out of things that you can't change anyway.

Tour descriptions and more photos:







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