
Hell of a flight

Buga: 09.03.2017

Hello dear ones,

We made it, we arrived in Auckland. It was quite a journey, I tell you. On March 6th, we started at noon to the airport with Qantas, first to London. So far so good, we could even sit next to each other. :) But then it started... Our tickets said that the journey should continue to Sydney... the airline apparently forgot to mention that there would be a stop in Dubai before. The flight itself was great. Delicious food and we could even move around, so we had more space. However, contrary to all expectations, the stop was not just for refueling and everyone staying seated, no no. Everyone got out of the plane with their luggage and then there was a 1 1/2-hour layover. That already brought joy, it got worse when we stood on the tarmac with the plane for a good hour because the airspace had been closed for unknown reasons... Unfortunately, we only had an hour to change planes in Sydney... So we missed our connecting flight and had to be rebooked on another flight... But luckily that went quickly and smoothly, and so we could continue flying almost three hours later. This time with Emirates. The food was great here too and to our great pleasure, the plane was almost completely empty, so we could each have a whole row to ourselves and sleep comfortably and stretched out.

By the way, we flew with the Airbus 380, for those who are not familiar with it, those are the cool double-decker planes :D

On March 8th at 4 pm, we landed in Auckland. Contrary to our fears, the immigration process was also very smooth. Everything went quickly and smoothly, and we could also get through customs without any problems. For all those who plan to visit me :D do not bring any fruits, vegetables or meat, as it will cost about 400 NZD fine. And also the hiking boots must be clean, otherwise a fine is also threatened.

Since two of the three potential car sellers had canceled during our flight, we also had to get a rental car. Luckily, that worked out relatively well, so we could start our journey to our first accommodation in our Toyota Yaris at 5 pm. Despite the 36-hour flight, I quickly got used to driving on the left side and brought us to the Garden District without any problems. After checking in, we took a short walk. Behind our accommodation is a large park that belongs to the Botanical Garden and partly really looks like in the jungle.

That's it for now.

Best regards,




New Zealand
Rahoton balaguro New Zealand