
37th post - Koh-Lanta Crous

Publisearre: 10.03.2024

This Saturday there was an activity organized by the Crous here, i.e. the student union. The whole thing is called " Koh-Lanta Crous " and is an island tour that is a little inspired by a French television series, namely " Koh-Lanta ". This is a very well-known French television series that is a bit like our "The Jungle Camp". Accordingly, there should be a few games that you had to play during the island tour.

At 8:30 we all met together in front of the Crous (the student dormitory) of the local students. I was pleasantly surprised here because there were only 6 of us Erasmus students, the rest were all Réunionese, Malgassen, Indians or other non-EU citizens. I found that a really nice change from the other excursions, which are usually flooded with Europeans.

The only white people on the tourist bus :D

We got on the bus around 9am and headed east. Our first stop there was a large old suspension bridge, the Pont suspendu de la Rivière de l'Est . In 1894 this was the largest bridge in the world, which is impressive because it really wasn't very long :D It makes you realize how quickly everything is progressing. However, it made up for its lack of length with its beauty, and the lush green surroundings in which it was built were also impressive.

After about 30 minutes we continued south-east to Saint-Rose, known for a lava flow that destroyed almost the entire town. Here we stopped at a park and looked at the old lava flows before we started with the challenges. We formed a total of six teams of around 7 people each.

However, the games were explained to us under a nearby bridge because we were surprised by a heavy rain shower, which is why we all looked for a roof. Once we got over this unpleasant interruption and the sun was shining again, we started. There were a total of three games: relay race, water transport (go through an obstacle course with a plastic cup full of water and use the contents to fill a bottle) and ultimate (a kind of rugby with Frisbee, hard to explain :D).

Under the bridge

My team wasn't particularly successful, we only won the ultimate . But we still had fun, so it's not that bad!

After a short meal break with baguettes and drinks, we continued south. At first I wasn't convinced about this stop because a quick Google search revealed that it was a municipal swimming pool. And I thought there were nicer places on the island, especially in the south. But once again I was pleasantly surprised because the swimming pool was really cool. It was in the middle of a small park and consisted of a classic swimming pool and a kind of lagoon directly in the sea. Even the swimming pool was filled with sea water. So it was really nice and we had a lot of fun!

"Swimming pool"

We then took a small group photo and then unfortunately had to head home. A stop in the west was actually planned, at the beach in Saint-Paul, but we were too late in time. 1h45 drive later we arrived back at the Crous in Saint-Denis .

Lava field

In the evening I watched “ Les Choristes ” with Nanou and Léa.

A really nice day where I actually got to know new places and made lots of nice acquaintances :)

That was our group :)


Reisrapporten Frankryk