
What am I doing here anyway?

Publié: 25.06.2019

The American International School of Transylvania works in the field of extracurricular education. Mostly language courses are offered. Children should also be playfully informed about topics such as sustainability, bullying, healthy nutrition, etc. The organization formulates its task as follows: 'The Mission statement of the International School of Transylvania highlights the fact that it is committed to offering high quality international education to assist the progress of regional potential into global value.'

During the two months, we will mostly be active in summer camps as volunteers, as it is currently school holidays. The goal in our project 'Democratic values at work!' is to teach children democratic values through various games and activities.

In the first week, we did not work with the children yet. It was mainly about getting to know the organization and Baia Mare and getting settled. We also learned some traditional dances from the region and already received some Romanian lessons (once a week). In addition, the teachers showed us some methods for the children that we can later apply in the summer camps.

In the second week, we will participate in the classes and activities with the children. The main focus is to get an impression of the summer camps.
