about a girl's trip
about a girl's trip

...närvilisusest, mis muutub ootusärevuseks

Avaldatud: 17.07.2019

oh yessss - I know. I'm still here. I mean here at home. But the preparations alone have already become very exciting. From nervousness and thoughts like 'will I find accommodation or a campsite where I feel comfortable?', 'Where exactly should I go?', 'What will I do all day?', 'Can I do it all alone?', 'do I need to be afraid?' anticipation gradually emerges.

Not least because my Facebook cover photo caught my eye again, but also because I had friendly phone calls during the planning, found apparently great places on Google, and received valuable tips from friends. Uncertainty turned into certainty. My plan took shape and I can't wait for it now.

'You can do it, guaranteed!' says the lettering on a sign that adorns my Facebook cover photo. I walked in my hometown towards my apartment at night when this sign suddenly caught my eye above the path. 'A sign from above!' I joked. THAT WAS back last summer. THE SIGN FROM ABOVE was more of an inspiration than a joke.

I still remember how in the following days I searched for a suitable blog platform and my vision of a one-woman trip, which I write down, fascinated me more and more....

If it weren't for the nervousness. Do you know the feeling of standing on the 10-meter diving board and needing several attempts before you jump? (ok, for me the 3-meter diving board would be enough ;)

Due to my nervousness / anxiety, I also did not 'jump' on the first attempt (last year). But I am proud that I at least dare to try on the second attempt.

Tension is rising. What will the impact on the water be like? I still don't know. But I'm sure that after a short overcoming and a queasy stomach, it will be refreshing and when you have really arrived, you feel incredibly free, light and carefree.... and hopefully encounter fish that you didn't expect (hahaha...okay, enough with the metaphors!) ;D


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