
The last desert

Publicado: 02.03.2018

Imagine driving into the driest desert in the world and what do you definitely not expect?

First: Few tourists and low prices and

Second: Rain!

Well, the first didn't happen, but the second did. At least the last few days in San Pedro, the small town in the middle of nowhere!

Rain in the desert is something special. It smells different, and you can literally feel the heat compact. When the first thunderclouds rise behind the mountains, the shadows get longer, the wind blows stronger, and you see the first lightning strikes, you find yourself in a different world.

The environment, which was recently so hostile to life, transforms into something incredibly wonderful. Plus, it's fun to see all the tourists running...

Sometimes the minivan is also an off-roader
Sometimes the minivan is also an off-roader

Cycling on the dusty path to Garganta del diablo
Cycling on the dusty path to Garganta del diablo

Narrow rock formations, the entrance to the probably most beautiful one-hour bike path in the world
Narrow rock formations, the entrance to the probably most beautiful one-hour bike path in the world

The air gets thinner and cooler. At an altitude of 4600 meters lies the high plateau of Tatio.
The air gets thinner and cooler. At an altitude of 4600 meters lies the high plateau of Tatio.

Sunrise over the volcano
Sunrise over the volcano

While the first rays of sunlight transform the geysers into a magical place
While the first rays of sunlight transform the geysers into a magical place

Sulfur bacteria culture at the thermal baths
Sulfur bacteria culture at the thermal baths

with a pretty stone church
with a pretty stone church..

and llama on a spit.
and llama on a spit.

Rabbit with a tail...
or...Rabbit with a tail...

I enjoy the last minutes of our trip's last desert while sipping on the cold overpriced beer. In the middle of nowhere.

