
Cinnamon Roll Accounting

Published: 02.08.2024

Unfortunately, the cinnamon rolls by the roadside were not as numerous as hoped.

Number of cinnamon rolls: 23

Here are a few other interesting facts, or fun-facts:

Total kilometers: 1,552.40

Total elevation gain: 15,284

Kilograms of Freia chocolate eaten: 2.0
Kilograms of cheese eaten: 3.6      Kilograms of blueberry jam: 1.5      Kilograms of cloudberries/blueberries: 0.5

Number of reindeer seen: countless Number of campers seen: countless 

Days with rain gear: 2.5

Sunscreen: 1 bottle

Bike defects: 1 

Number of mosquito bites: Anja: 20 Peter: 10
