
Interview Anja

Published: 02.08.2024

How do you feel physically after 1500 kilometers? Actually, nothing hurts. I managed to tackle the routes well every day. But my mind has switched to 'finished' now, and it would probably take some effort to ride again today. Okay, we did ride through Rovaniemi by bike anyway :)

What food/item was the best? Clearly: Freia chocolate - all varieties :) and the wild cloudberries and blueberries.

What was the worst? Gudbrandsdalsost - brown cheese, a specialty made from whey uahhh... that was hard to swallow....

Would you do a similar tour again? Yes, of course, but not necessarily next week.

What was your hardest moment? The long journey by trains, ships, uncomfortable seats, and total exhaustion.

What was your most beautiful moment? There were so many, but the moment I saw the 'metal ball', the world stood still for me for a few seconds.

Which cinnamon roll was the best? Honestly? None really blew me away. They were all not bad, but too dry for me. I just love the moist, fatty American cinnamon rolls.

What are you grateful for? No question, the incredibly beautiful, sunny-warm weather. ...best summer ever.... and that our Gravels and we had no breakdowns, that we 'endured' each other for 24 hours throughout the weeks.

What pleased you about Peter? That he searches for seemingly lost things in bags just as frantically as I do and then they suddenly reappear somewhere....

What annoyed you about Peter? His unrestrained belief in the weather app :)

Which was the worst and best place to sleep? All wild camping spots were beautiful. The worst? The one in the Lofoten with its own bathing beach and the next morning it was pouring rain and total cabin fever in the tent. I could hardly stand the quiet waiting in the tight space.

Which flying animals annoyed you the most? Definitely the mosquitoes, but only because I was allergic to almost all stings and got huge welts.

Which other cyclist stuck in your memory? Ha, the German Tina from Munich with an Eimhorn bike with two stands.

What are you looking forward to now? Now to sleeping on the night train, to Helsinki and the ferry to Travemünde.

And what at home? First to my two boys, who of course have cleaned everything perfectly :) ...Boys, three more days.... hurry up...

And next to the nighttime darkness.

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