
Interview Peter

Published: 02.08.2024

How do you feel physically after 1500 kilometers?

I can already feel my legs a bit. We've never really taken a rest day, and on the only day we didn't ride, we went hiking for 15km.

But I would have continued riding if the holidays weren't coming to an end soon.

What food/item was the best? What was the worst?

The Havregrøt (Porridge) with freshly picked cloudberries or blueberries always tasted wonderful. This is probably also connected to the beautifully wild camping spots.

The worst was the Norwegian Brunost cheese, which translates to brown cheese. It was simply inedible, even though Anja got it at half price.

Would you do a similar tour again?

Yes, of course. It feels so free to travel this way.

What was your toughest moment?

The cancellation of the ferry from Frederikshavn to Oslo on Friday morning, which led to a time-consuming search for alternatives, and therefore, the start and the journey were anything but relaxed.

What was your most beautiful moment?

The day with the ride to North Cape and especially the arrival at North Cape. Those were very emotional moments.

Which cinnamon roll was the best?

Anja's tasted much better than all the ones on our trip. The one in Reine at the beginning of the tour. Because of the beautiful café and the anticipation of what was to come.

What are you thankful for?

That we had such beautiful and warm weather.

What pleased you about Anja?

Her boundless joy in the Norwegian landscapes with fjords, the sea, and the wind carrying the scent of the North Sea salt.

What annoyed you about Anja?

I would have parked the gravel bike differently at times. Ultimately, mine was blown over by the wind...

What was the worst place to sleep and why?

The cabin at the campsite in Olderfjord where we stayed due to the thunderstorm. We also had a few other little creatures in the cabin with us.

Which flying animals were the most annoying?

The small flies in the morning at the first wild camping site. They flew simultaneously into ears, nose, and eyes. The mosquitoes found Anja more attractive.

Which other cyclist stuck in your memory?

The one with plastic bags on the handlebars with a bike resembling a folding bike. I can't explain how he could ride over the mountains and through the tunnels like that.

What are you looking forward to now? And what at home?

To the night in the dark night train with plenty of sleep towards Helsinki and to the breakfast porridge with non-picked blueberries.

At home, to my twins, sleeping in bed in darkness, and to really good cheese.

Answer (1)

Schön, dass alles geklappt hat. Ihr seid zu beneiden und wir zu al!