
Tenth Stage Camino Portugues from Arcade to Pontevedra

Published: 27.09.2024

Today I traveled from Arcade to Pontevedra.

When I got up this morning, it was raining heavily, and dark clouds hung in the sky. I decided that I could have a relaxed breakfast and take my time before starting today's stage.

Cecilia from GB joined me at the breakfast table, and we chatted. She told me that she is walking the Camino because her father has Alzheimer’s. She wants to pray a lot and gather strength. I wished her all the best for that.

Around 8:45 AM, the rain stopped, and I set off. The path led first through a small village and then into a beautiful wooded area. Here, the lovely scent of the pine and eucalyptus trees was noticeable again. Until the moment a little girl walked in front of me. Ugh, she had the most disgusting perfume on. I almost fainted;). I quickly overtook the tear and could breathe normally again. The scent of the forest filled my nose again, and I was satisfied.

The path was quite slippery today, as the large stones were really slick due to the rain.

What I particularly liked today was the rural area. Fields with old houses/farms were now more frequently on my right and left. Then I heard pigs squealing, and I thought they would be happily wallowing in the mud. Unfortunately, they were being loaded up; I found that really sad. I quickly ran on to get those images out of my head.

A short rain shower followed, and when I put on my poncho, the rain stopped immediately, hmmmmmm so the poncho came off again. The sun came out, and a beautiful rainbow 🌈 appeared in the sky.

Shortly after, I arrived in Pontevedra. It was only about 13 km to run. Since I was still relatively fit, I went to the tourist information and got a city map. I then looked at some sights and fell into bed quite quickly and soundly in the evening.

