Riding shotgun with us ...
Riding shotgun with us ...

Oh my God, what a ride ... up to Nakalele Point, grrrrr :(

Published: 27.10.2024

October 25, 2024

The morning welcomed us with a band of clouds and rain, the sun was glaring by its absence ... We had planned to explore the northern part of Maui that day. By the way: Our car was still safely in its place. The route led us along the northeastern coast to the northernmost point of Maui, Nakalele Point. A point, high up on the cliffs, where massive waves crashed.

But to get there, a nerve-wracking stretch had to be overcome. For about 20 miles, an incredibly narrow road wound its way, often allowing only one car to pass, and led along the hillside, sometimes without a slope barrier, but with what felt like a thousand bottleneck curves. Since American cars are wider than ours, it was a challenge when a vehicle came the other way. Once, Thorsten had to get out and guide me in reverse so I could make room for the giant car without tumbling down the slope. Those are the moments when I would give up anything just to get back on a

Answer (1)

Danke, dass du so toll gefahren bist und uns heil zurück zum Schiff gebracht hast 😘

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