
Minca II

Published: 12.03.2024

Day 4

This morning started with a hike. After a Colombian breakfast we set off early in the morning. The hiking road is declared a main road, but it doesn't even reach the level of the Drosselweg in Bassum. Cars, motorcycles, scooterists, cyclists and pedestrians share the road. However, the traffic volume is actually limited. Our first stop was the Cascada Oido del Mundo waterfall, which was easy to climb and walk in the riverbed. The second stop was the more spectacular Marinka Waterfalls, where you could also swim in a pool of the waterfall. During our 7 hour trip we were also able to discover snakes, lizards and oversized beetles. In addition, the sometimes loud circles of crickets, which is a refreshing change from the noise of the big city, are a constant companion, as are the mosquitoes, which unfortunately bite differently here than at home. In the evening we had well-deserved Mexican tacos.

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