
Getting there

Published: 07.03.2024

06./07.03 Arrival Hamburg-Bremen-Amsterdam-Atlanta-Bogota

Good morning,

Let's see what it's like to write a notebook, I hope it will be a good memory aid, a place to archive memories and review the days

Day 0-1

The first adventure begins before the journey even begins. The plan was to jump straight from the driver's cab of the IC into the plane. The strike by colleagues had been taken into account, which would have made the journey to Hamburg Airport more difficult. But it never came to that. At first I thought it was a spam email, but the flight from Hamburg was actually cancelled due to another strike by ground staff and security. After long hotline conversations, a complete cancellation and a booking in just two days, the flight from Amsterdam was at least possible. Unfortunately, trains were not running and buses had already been booked. But luckily you can rely on the family ❤️

We drove to Amsterdam and after checking in on site we can now get going - an exciting start. Let's see how the sporty 90 minutes of transfer time including baggage claim and checking in again in the USA goes 🤞🏼

Answer (3)

Sehr schön Arne, dann erstmal einen guten Flug👍

Ich hoffe es klappt jetzt mit dem letzten Flug reibungslos. Viel Glück und eine super schöne Zeit in Kolumbien 🫶🥰

Vielen Dank, es hat alles soweit geklappt :)