
Arrived in San Francisco

Published: 17.08.2017

Start 16.08.2017, 10:30 am in Frankfurt. After a seemingly short night and a frequently presenting of the passport, we finally took off to San Francisco with some delay.

A flight with the A380 is definitely worth it. The takeoff feels very smooth. During the flight, you hardly realize that you are flying. The space in the Economy Class is perfectly fine.

After an 11-hour flight, I was relieved to get off the plane.

But please don't think that you will get out of the airport quickly. The immigration takes and takes and takes. A little tip: Whoever leaves the plane first is also first in line. The queue behind us was long and as I said, it takes time.

From the airport, BART takes you to the city center of San Francisco in 20 minutes. Better find out in advance how to get from the BART station to your destination. There is no plan displayed at the bus stops and the buses come when they come. The bus drivers can help you if necessary.

After being awake for 24 hours, I finally went to bed and now a new day awaits me.

So let's go.

Have Fun & Be Proud

Your/e Jan/Mom


Travel reports USA