
07/02/2023 from Devonport (Tasmania) to Geelong (Main Island)

Published: 07.02.2023

07/02/2023 from Devonport (Tasmania) to Geelong (Main Island)

Today, the ferry company expects us to be on-site at 6am, even though the ferry doesn't depart until 8:30am. Checking the many cars and loading them onto the ship takes time. At 6:20, we are by no means the first to start. The checks are easier than on the outbound journey, fruit and vegetables can be brought back to the mainland, they check for gas and weapons. I can't assess what they suspect under the hood. In any case, we wait a long time before we are finally allowed to board the ship. This time we had to pay extra for the sleeping chairs and we are making use of them. We buy access to the famous World Wide Web for a few hours and work on social media, get informed on the news sites, and play. Time passes slowly, 10 hours is quite a long time. The sea thanks us for our visit, it is calm and a little bit of rocking is always there. We didn't see any dolphins, we didn't look very intensively. Back in Geelong, we visit the showground in the city and discover a whole new aspect of these places today, for example, there is a house for pigeons, one for goats, and right opposite us, the local Rotary Club is advertising take-away food. Today we fry wallaby meat and it tastes really good, firm, almost fat-free, slightly liver-like, and simply good. We also have a large sweet potato, peas, and my fresh salad. Many cockatoos frolic in the trees all around, they make a lot of noise, and it seems like they are fighting each other. But at 9:30 pm, they too have flown into their nests to rest. Just now, the Flodder family has moved into the plot next to us in an Aussie style, we retreat to the car, the sun is already gone and it's pleasantly warm inside. Conclusion: It's nice that we have been in or on Tasmania. We did everything right. Tomorrow we will go on the famous Great Ocean Road.


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