
If you push me over I'm gonna die like a turtle

Published: 28.12.2019

I choose that website because every other one wants to charge 40€ a month and I don't want to starve in Mexico the food is too good even though it's gonna shoot out of my asshole faster than a bullet in America as soon as a black person crosses the streets

I don't want to tell everybody over and over the same story as well pretending that I know 500 Million people, my grandma doesn't know how to use the internet properly so let's say only 499 million people will read or ignore that

The idea came from a costumer I have, I see her very often and she said if I would make a travel blog it would be the funniest thing ever and I have to call it passive agressive blog but everyone who knows me knows it's a very active agressive blog because Sarina doesn't have a filter so fuck that bitch, her friend gave me a big tip so I can get some American style pizza or American style crack on the streets.

I'm also finally done packing and I'm carrying more weight on my shoulders than sb who accidentally witnessed their grandparents having sex

My head hurts and my armpits are itchy so I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to shower to see how long my body will deal with not giving a shit because IM LEAVING GERMANY YOU SUCKERS
