

Published: 22.05.2024

Today we are literally stranded, because after 2 hours of waiting in vain at the airport in Santa Cruz, all passengers got their luggage back and had to go to check-in and rebook individually. The plane couldn't arrive due to bad weather. We were given a list of places to stay here and taxi vouchers, because the flight is scheduled for 7 p.m. tomorrow, that's the plan. We quickly found a small hotel "near the harbor" and rolled the 700m with our suitcases, because there was no taxi in sight, not because of fog, but because there are hardly any. In the meantime we also ate in a small bar, because the recommended restaurants closed at 3 p.m. and then reopened at 7 p.m. The drizzle meant we returned to the hotel quickly, and tomorrow we still have plenty of time to explore the town of 1,300 souls. Today we only looked at the Igreja Matriz church and some pretty murals with bird motifs. An American artist has painted 15 of these flower and bird pictures, called murals, on house facades here in town. We hope that the launch will go ahead tomorrow.
