

Published: 20.05.2024

The day began, as expected, with fog. Rain followed a little later. We had already decided yesterday to stay in the village. At around 10 a.m. it was dry and we started our village walk along the coast. There is a small church in the village, which we also visited. Sometimes you can hardly believe what is hidden behind a simple exterior. We also discovered the other localities and the minimercado, the corner shop. As it was still dry, we decided to look for the spot from which the photo for the cover of our hiking guide had been taken. This turned the walk into a hike. After the rain, everything was still wet and the stones were slippery. We found the spot and were back at around 1 p.m., just as it started to rain again. In keeping with the holiday, there was time for a coffee in the building and a good reading session. We liked the duck in the picture by the mailbox because it was looking up at the sky like we were.
