

Published: 18.05.2024

Today was another change: island, hotel, car, and, just in time for the middle of the holiday, the books too. Everyone had finished reading theirs, so we swapped. We had to leave the house without breakfast today because the flight was already at 8:40 a.m. and the car had to be returned at 7 a.m. On the flight to Flores we crossed many of the Azores islands and saw the highest mountain in the Azores and Portugal, Pico on the island of the same name. We drive a white VW UP here and after picking up the car we went to the supermarket to buy some supplies. Impressive: tomatoes with a diameter of > 20cm and the peppers were > 25cm long, but not from here. After a hearty lunch we drove about 25km across the island to Faja Grande in the west. It is the westernmost village in Europe. The information for the large holiday home was available 2.5km beforehand at the information point, where breakfast is always served. We have 2 floors with 2 bedrooms with a view of the Atlantic and a small snack bar, where we drank a pre-Pentecost beer after a spontaneous hike of about 6 km! On the way we passed many small houses, some for sale, and lots of cows. Many waterfalls bubbled down from the mountains, we counted 7. Now we are waiting for the sunset in the front row on the balcony. Happy Pentecost to you all!

PS We have attached the paper documentation from the Restsurant, if you feel like it, you can try to find the last term.

Answer (3)

Oben rechts beim M anfangen und dann rechts schräg runter…. War der Absacker schuld oder wollt Ihr nur uns herausfordern? Wunderbare Fotos, vielen Dank! Schönen Urlaub weiterhin.

Natürlich oben links anfangen….

Sehr guuuut. Wir hatten die schräge Variante anfangs nicht im Blick. LG