

Published: 16.05.2024

On the second day here, we had to change our program again because it was heavily overcast and drizzling. So we went to Ribeira Grande, about 20 km from here. It was dry again in the small town, a river - the Ribeira - dominated the city center. First, we went to the town museum, where a lot of local crafts throughout the changing times were presented. 2 model buildings, a gift from a former priest, where a lot was moving, allowed for plenty of discoveries. Many craftsmen and farmers were depicted at work and parts of the Christmas story. On the way to the emigration museum, we passed by a mini soccer field. But only 3 players and a goalkeeper belonged to a team. We don't know how the game ended because we wanted to focus on the history of emigration. For many centuries, people emigrated from the islands to Brazil, the USA, Canada, and Africa. There, they found work or fought in wars on the side of Portugal. As the sun was shining at noon, we set off for the mountains. At Sete Cidades, there was a good view. Lakes and places far below in the large crater could be seen. A bit further, at Lago Cavairo, we went on a planned hike of about 2 hours. The trash cans hidden in the forest were real eye-catchers. After the round, we consulted the weather app and the live cams. The app suggested that the fog would clear up at Lagoa do Fogo towards the evening. So, after yesterday's failed attempt, we started there again for a second time. The higher we climbed, the more the area was enveloped in clouds. But after some waiting, there was indeed a clear view of the deep-lying crater lake around 6 pm. That's Azorean weather for you! After all these visual delights, our stomachs also wanted to be filled, and we did just that on the way home at a typical small local restaurant with outdoor seating.
