

Published: 17.05.2024

Our last day on Sao Miguel really started with sunshine and so we went to the large caldeira (cauldron, i.e. crater) of Sete Cidades, where we wanted to hike today. Lakes have formed in the crater and people have settled there. We set off from the crater rim at 10 a.m. at 12.5 °C. The path is hardly used and the green, spiky leaves line large parts of the route. As the foliage was still wet, our pants got wet. The descent was not only very steep, but also slippery, a challenge that we had to master. It was a bit like canyoning without water. The village of Sete Sidate lay sleepily in the sun, many of the houses are holiday homes, beautifully green and the church was already decorated for the holiday on Sunday. A short rest and then we climbed back up to the crater rim. On one side we saw the various lakes, on the other you could see all the way to the Atlantic. The path, partly gravelled, had also been used by others here. There was always a fresh breeze. After about 5 hours of walking (2 hours down and 3 hours back up) we arrived back at the starting point. There is a huge hotel ruin that has never progressed beyond the shell. Here too there are "lost places" that are an attraction. Nature has at least taken hold on the upper floors and drones are launched from the roof. Picture 3 is a "borrowed" drone picture because you can see the crater very clearly from this perspective. After 15 km we are exhausted and are now excited about the next island, Flores - the flower island.

Answer (4)

Fröhliches Pfingstfest auf der Insel Flores .

Mutti und ich wünschen euch SCHÖNE PFINGSTEN auf FLORES!!!

Tausend Dank für die tollen Fotos und Eindrücke. Schöne Pfingsten!

Reni und Hans
Frohe Pfingsten und 5 Sterne für die sehr schönen Bilder!