

Published: 13.05.2024

Today was the last day of hiking on Madeira. As already mentioned, it was urgently needed after the sumptuous meal last night. We started at 14 degrees and with a slight humidity in the air, the clouds were hanging low. It was foggy up here. But at the start of the King's Levada (Levada do Rei), 25 km from here, wonderful lemon trees in the sun awaited us. Hiking poles were not necessary, the path is almost flat and sometimes so wide that a king's carriage would have fit through, but only sometimes. There were views of lush greenery and into the depths or back to the Atlantic! A shower was also free. The amount of shower water depended on the speed at which we crossed under the waterfall. At the end of the tour, after 3.5 hours and 11 km, we had galao and cake in the small restaurant. Our hotel was already in the clouds again when we returned and we ended the day preparing for the Azores. We got to know many sides of Madeira and can only recommend this island, provided you are mobile and do not shy away from the many curves and mountains.
