

Published: 11.05.2024

Today we experienced a completely new start to our hike: 13 degrees at 9 a.m., so we had to dress a little warmer. From 600 m above sea level we went a long way down again, to then be at the starting point of our route today at 850 m, it was actually only 20 km to get there. Our goal: Caldareio Verde - Green Hole. A distance of 6.5 km to get there (13 km there and back) lay ahead of us, because that is where the Levada we hiked along today starts. There are really few inclines, but there are several tunnels where you definitely need a flashlight. At the "hole", the start of the Levada, water bubbles out of the high rocks in many places. There were a lot of people out and about, which we could also see when we returned to the full parking lot. If we can believe the markings, the paths and safety brackets were first laid out in 1937. After 4.5 hours we had a good coffee Galao (Portuguese milk coffee) at the starting point. The thermometer showed 19 degrees. The air is a bit rougher up here. It's better to be under the clouds or above them.

Answer (2)

Beeindruckend!!! Ich nehme an, Muttertag gibt es bei euch heute nicht!? Deshalb, alles Liebe Dorit...ich hoffe, dein Sohn hat daran gedacht!? Seid ihr nach den Touren, (Hut ab!) noch fit für weitere derartige Ausflüge? Macht mal ne PAUSE!!!! Viele schöne Eindrücke weiterhin wünschen euch beiden, Mutti und Gloria...

@Gloria: Hat er ;). Zumindest via WhatsApp. 💐