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Week 15 - La Paz / Bolivia

No more text due to vacation :-)

Farewell at Lake Titicaca

We spent a few days bidding farewell to beautiful and diverse Bolivia on Lake Titicaca and the islan...

Culture and Adventure in La Paz

La Paz offered a lot of culture and adventure in just a few days. We visited the carnival in Oruro, ...

10 days at 'Chuchini' in the Bolivian Amazon

We enjoyed the Bolivian Amazon as tourists for three days and as volunteers for one week. The work w...

Bolivia - how do we cross your river?

La Paz and the Choro Trail from the Andes to the Yungas Mountains

Weekend in Samaipata

Get out of the city and go to Samaipata for an active weekend. From ruins to waterfalls to a challen...

Sloths in Santa Cruz de la Sierra

In Santa Cruz de la Sierra, we discover new aspects of Bolivia - far away from the heights of the Al...