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Weekend in Samaipata

Get out of the city and go to Samaipata for an active weekend. From ruins to waterfalls to a challen...

Sloths in Santa Cruz de la Sierra

In Santa Cruz de la Sierra, we discover new aspects of Bolivia - far away from the heights of the Al...

Potosi and the mines in Cerro Rico

In Potosi, everything revolves around the mines in Cerro Rico and after careful consideration, we vi...

From San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) through the rain and the salt flats to Uyuni (Bolivia)

Due to a lot of rain, we couldn't do much in San Pedro de Atacama and quickly moved on to Bolivia. A...

From Uyuni to San Pedro de Atacama

Through the Salar de Uyuni and the Eduardo Avaroa National Park from Bolivia to Chile

Sucre - the white city of Bolivia

A turbulent history, dinosaur tracks, and chocolate - the mixture gives Sucre its charm

La Paz - the highest seat of government in the world.

From the Tiwanaku Temple to mountain biking on the Death Road to Cholita Wrestling. There is a lot t...

Stranded in the desert

Respect for Pachamama

Sugar sweet capital

As white as if powdered with powdered sugar