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Taronga Zoo & Darling Harbour

Visiting the zoo and new district Darling Harbour...

Reise & Sydney

Reise und Sydney

A stone pool by the sea

The first day in Sydney: Excursion to the Figure 8 Pools, natural swimming pools in an extraordinary...

PlanLoser ... VII "second place to be -> Geraldton"

Have fun until the lines are "ruffled"...

Door 7 - Job Time in Sydney

During all the work and also not, we fortunately still had enough time to explore the city a bit. In...

Delphine in Port Stephens

We encounter dolphins in Nelson Bay and eat fish and chips in Tea Gardens

Day 5 - Sharehouse Time in Perth

Street art in Maylands

PlanLoser...VI "the place to be" -> Kalbarri

A small village on the edge of the world like the edge of a table.