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Joys and Sorrows of a Tourist

Relaxation on the interesting Tourist Drives and tension while searching for a campsite

Come with me to Adventureland

We hike through the adventureland rainforest in Dorrigo National Park

PlanLoser...V "the fly-pest @ the west"

The usual Christmas season is just around the corner and the stress can begin.

Burnt land

A trip to the hinterland reveals the extent of the forest fires

PlanLoser...IV "the way to the outback and back"

Roof tents are a good invention. A bit cumbersome and uncomfortable, but easy to sleep in with a vie...

Port Macquarie

Port Macquarie promenade

Tierische Besucher

In Byron Bay verbringen wir einen Tag mit Spaziergängen und Tierbeobachtungen

Half-time summary in Byron Bay

A conclusion after the halfway mark: Many beautiful impressions of a country where things are differ...

Wald fire hazard

The dryness and the threat of bushfires are disrupting our travel plans