Work & Beach | Week 10| 04.12-10.12

ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 12.12.2023

I've been in Australia for 2 months now. Time passes super quickly here. The Christmas spirit doesn't really arise when it's 30 degrees and there are no Christmas markets. Occasionally decorated houses (sometimes completely overdone) and the Christmas tree in our house remind me that Christmas is just around the corner.

Christmas decorations

Now about my week: I worked from Monday to Saturday. After every evening I went to the beach to cool off a little. I also bought a surfboard this week.

Sunday, my only day off of the week, started with a session of volleyball. At Kurrawa Beach there is an opportunity to play beach volleyball every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Anyone can come and play with a small contribution. The cool thing is that different nations and age groups meet here and play against each other. After 3 hours at 30 degrees in the blazing sun, it can be very tiring, but of course it's also a lot of fun.

beach volleyball

I spent the rest of the day relaxing by the sea.

Mermaid Beach overlooking Surfers Paradise

(more pictures will follow throughout the week)


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