ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 29.01.2017
I would like to continue keeping you up to date daily, but right now we have sooooo much to do... incredible. We imagined redesigning our van to be easier. And faster too. Well, that's how it goes.
At least we're making progress. The bed is already set up, we now have cabinets, and the kitchen is almost finished. This involved: Many hours in different hardware stores, blood, sweat, and tears. And money, lots of money.
But we're not just renovating the van. No. We were finally able to get car insurance. It's super easy here in New Zealand. You call an insurance company of your choice, tell them what you need, and they take care of everything. You can get insured within 5 minutes. Or you fill out an online form, and they send you a confirmation email - done. Totally easy.
The people here are really uncomplicated and accommodating. Always helpful, friendly, empathetic, and funny. I think it's great! Other countries could learn from them. A New Zealander said to me yesterday: 'We Kiwis (that's what the indigenous people are called here) always try to be nice, there are assholes of course, but most of us are good people. That's also because we have no past. No wars or anything like that. New Zealand is still young, we're still evolving. But we are arrogant. We drive on the left and do our own thing. We make sure our paradise stays a paradise. Here, the world is still in order!' - True words.
Speaking of paradise, we're going to the ocean now. See you later, we're out. And don't worry, the articles will be longer and more informative again. Good things take time...