ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 21.12.2018
- Hop-on/Hop-off bus tour through the entire city, including Queen Victoria Market - cool!
- Pia meets my roommates Ed (Aussie) and Henry (Hong Kong) and sees where I lived for the past three months during my Cambridge course. We all go out for a beer together at the Cinema Rooftop Bar.
- Hop-on/Hop-off bus tour round two: this tour goes to St. Kilda and along the sea.
- Visit to the Eureka Tower with sunset from the 88th floor - wow!
- Great Ocean Road tour: very touristy, but still very beautiful!
- Drinks at the stylish A-Float Bar on the Yarra River.
- I take Pia to Collins Street and show her where I went to school. She even gets to meet my (super) teacher Mark and my best classmates. Manuela and Bruno (Brasil) and Yoshi (Japan).
- Brunch with Manuela and Yoshi together on Hardware Street - very tasty!
- Walk along the river and have dinner with a view of the skyline.
After 4 days for Pia and 97 days for me, it's time to say BYE MELBOURNE!
Accommodation: Oaks WRAP on Southbank.