ޝާއިޢުކޮށްފައިވެއެވެ: 31.07.2020
On this beautiful Tuesday, we first book a place for two nights at the Hirzberg Campground (60 Euro).
Afterwards, we cycle through the ugly north of Freiburg to the Silbersee to fulfill our main task on this vacation, besides eating and drinking, which is chilling.
Then we set up our camp, go shopping, treat ourselves to a Sprizz, and barbecue two delicious organic sirloin steaks.
The next day, we visit Lake Flückinger. Located quite centrally, surrounded by dried-up meadows and mainly frequented by students - at least that's how it appears.
Back at the bus, we follow the boss's kitchen dictates while shopping, and have Insalata Fantasia.