
Lighthouse Route

بڵاوکراوەتەوە: 19.07.2023

It's Tuesday morning and we're sitting down for our first coffee. We've been traveling along the Lighthouse Route for a few days now. From Port Medway to Queens to Port Montan. We're finding beautiful quiet spots (quiet is relative, as lighthouses honk in the fog) and enjoying our time. We have time. The weather is changeable. Fog keeps rolling in, obscuring the view. Heading towards Bacco Point, we pass through burnt landscape for the first time... Burnt houses... We find ourselves at the southernmost point on the Nova Scotia mainland.

Slowly, it's time - our water tank is empty. We check gas stations, ask the fire department, there's no water market. So, we can go one more night, nobody has water for us. We find another idyllic spot at the lighthouse, but today we're not alone. The fog comes back in thickly and it's raining (at least not 40°C). The weather doesn't bother us, MANNI is cozy and we found an old CD with Icelandic folk music. It fits this mood.

Later in Digby, we're at a campsite for the first time. They have water for us too! Nice spot where we can get delicious fish in the fishing village. Fish and homemade bread -

It's beautiful -

