Wanaka in Otago- the most beautiful region of New Zealand

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 25.11.2017

The 6 days at the Holiday Park in Haast are already behind us. To be honest, we didn't do much during the week, but rather enjoyed having a room with a comfortable bed, private bathroom, and TV again. The work was not really demanding and on the last day we were able to help a little with the housekeeping. Here are some photos of the facility and our room:

Yesterday we made our way from Haast inland towards Wanaka. Along the way, there were several waterfalls and the Blue Pools, which have bright blue water. You can tell that the tourist season is slowly starting, because everywhere it is becoming more crowded and at the hotspots, you encounter masses of tourists. At least it feels like masses when you usually encounter hardly any people anywhere else.

The Blue Pools

The Blue Pools

After leaving the waterfalls and the Blue Pools behind us, we suddenly ended up in paradise. The lakes in the Wanaka region are incredibly beautiful, literally. When you see them, you understand why so many Germans make the long journey to New Zealand every year. We stopped at Lake Hawea, the water of the lake has an indescribable color and the mountains in the background, which can be seen all the way from Haast to Wanaka, are reflected in the smooth surface.

In the afternoon, we arrived in Wanaka and had dinner at Lake Wanaka. The lake is also super beautiful, but Lake Hawea impressed us a bit more.

After staying at a campground near Wanaka, we made our way to Tarras this morning, a small town east of Wanaka, where we will now stay with Ave and Rex for 6 days. They are a retired couple whom we help in the garden in exchange for accommodation, and this time all meals are included as well. Ave and Rex are really nice and relaxed, when we arrived today at 11, Ave said that we don't have to work today if we don't want to (but of course we did), and when asked if we could have a day off if we work an extra day to go hiking, Rex said "Do whatever you like". We are staying here in a small converted caravan, Ave and Rex live in a small hut/garage, in which an old bus is installed, where the kitchen is located. The property is also quite large and the two own 2 dogs, chickens, ducks, and 14 sheep.

Snacks that were brought to us😍
Snacks that were brought to us😍
The Pug Chloe
The Pug Chloe

The weather is great at the moment, around 22-24 degrees, which is not ideal for gardening as it still feels hotter in the sun, but it is perfect for exploring what Wanaka and the surrounding area have to offer.


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