Irgendwo im Nirgendwo

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 31.10.2017

It happened: the decisive weather claimed its first victim. Ulli's daily routine now consisted of sniffling and snorting. However, the journey continued towards River Valley because Ulli is tough. During a two-hour stopover at Tongaririo National Park, Lisa gave us the opportunity to explore the beautiful nature of New Zealand once again. However, the path that led us along rivers, trees, and rocky slopes was rather moderate. The term path is probably too much said. Actually, we balanced and climbed over roots, rocks, and muddy, steep slides, always along where the person in front had set one foot safely before the other. To make matters worse, the weather seemed to want to top it all off. Just ten minutes into our walk, it started pouring. And I mean really pouring. Within minutes, our pants, backpacks, and socks were soaked. In general, nature here is truly breathtaking. It could have been a real little adventure with all the impressions it offered. But due to the unpleasant weather conditions, we couldn't really enjoy it. Of course, I don't want to deprive you of the discussion I had with my inner couch potato at that moment:

"Can't we go back?"
"But we're soaked, it's cold, warm, cold again, and suddenly hot. The rain is so strong that we can hardly see straight ahead, and the path is no longer visible. It has turned into a pure river. And I'm hungry."
"No, we keep going."
"And how about taking a break?"
"No, we're running late."
"But I packed a banana."
"No. Would we have stopped in that case?"
"Come on, don't be like that. That's the only way we can really explore the landscape. After all, that's why we came here."
"That's why you came here? To explore the landscape?!"
"And to educate ourselves culturally and linguistically, exactly."
"Hahaha, no one will believe that."
"Oh please! Why did you come here then?"
"To have a break before the real, hard work life."
"Tse.. if our readers only knew!"
"They don't need to find out."
"And whether they find out or not, you can be damn sure they will if you don't shut up."
N"It's okay... ... ... Why is it uphill all the time?"
"Okay, you asked for it."

After our rain hike finally came to an end and my inner couch potato (I apologize for him and his behavior) and I sat happily in the warm bus again, we set off for the last kilometers to River Valley. Arriving there, it must be said, it was something special. The tranquility was unique even for New Zealand, and all around us, the pure green shone. However, no one can be blamed for the fact that showers and toilets were located outside the accommodation and it was still pouring buckets. Weather-wise, something really needs to change here. At least we will listen to the birds and see the overgrown mountains as we fall asleep. It has something special.

Jaabi (1)

Herrlich geschrieben! Der innere Schweinehund ist mir sympathisch. ;)

Zelande kura
Taama rapɔɔriw Zelande kura