
Day 64 and 65 Journey back Home Thursday, March 3, 2016 Bangkok - Journey back Home

A bɔra kɛnɛ kan: 20.12.2016

Sawadee Khap,

one last time Hello.

On this day I should once again fully enjoy everything, I am back in Bangkok. And unfortunately, it is also once again the last day of the trip. Once again, a journey of a very special kind.

As you have seen, I have seen a lot and discovered and traveled to many places.

Unfortunately, every journey comes to an end. I look back on many beautiful days and many beautiful moments, of course, I have met many lovely and kind people, some meant well with me, others not so much. But that shows you can never be attentive enough, this is what a trip teaches you and afterwards you can laugh about a lot of things. And the one or the other who managed to deceive me in the end, well, they deserve it. Next time, I'll know better, but I'm also sure that I will experience one or the other trick again, sometimes in a negative and sometimes in a positive way.

So today, once again, Bangkok, a city that I really love but have also sometimes hated. So I stroll through the hustle and bustle of Asia one last time. Enjoy some delicious food, Pad Thai, Noodle Soup, Sticky Rice with Mango, or even one last Singha, and of course, I will indulge in one last Thai massage.

In the evening, it's really time to say goodbye with a tearful eye. I will miss the cool calmness of the people here on this continent all year round.

My journey began in Dubai (overwhelming), took me to India (the first time, definitely not the last time), further to Vietnam (beautiful country), once again to Myanmar

(I'll come back!!!) and finally, once again, to Thailand (I just like it).

Now I'm here at the airport saying goodbye...

Looking Forward to the Next Trip

I thank everyone who followed me on this digital journey, until next time, from where I will then contact you, you will surely find out.

Thank you very much - Khap Kun - Schukri Ja - Cam Ta - Kyayjuu Tangya


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