
#48: Old Town City Tour

Ishicilelwe: 03.03.2020


As usual after our arrival day, we sleep in. At around 10 o'clock, we go to the booked breakfast. It turns out to be a self-service and DIY breakfast. Fruit, milk, and jam are provided in the fridge, toast and cornflakes are on the table. Eggs and pans are also available. Since we have to wash our dishes ourselves, after breakfast, for the first time in six weeks, we have to do the dishes again.

During our city tour, we visit various beautiful streets and alleys, another temple (from the outside, we are not dressed appropriately), various historical and impressive buildings, as well as a golden dragon. Additionally, we keep an eye out for a new bottle of 50+ sunscreen, as our supply is running low. For our tour, we once again take advantage of the scorching midday heat, so we have to escape to a cafe for a watermelon and lime smoothie in between.

From our spot in the cafe, we can observe the street. We notice that a scooter rider in front of us is getting a fine from a passing police officer for parking in the wrong place. What may seem trivial to the average German reader is almost absurd to us after four weeks in Cambodia and Vietnam. On the one hand, because the scooter rider is a local and on the other hand, because scooters have had almost impunity so far. As we continue to observe, we also notice that it is unusually clean here and above all, that there is a fairly wide sidewalk. However, the most unusual thing was that on two occasions, a car stopped at the pedestrian crossing to let us cross the street, and on one occasion, even a bus did.

After a short siesta in the hostel, we go back to the cafe from the afternoon in the evening. The food is excellent again, and the day comes to an end.

Phendula (2)

Diese Stadt sieht tatsächlich extrem sauber aus. Mir scheint, ihr fühlt euch schon wie zuhause in Thailand😊 Es ist aber aber auch anscheinend sehr, sehr schön dort.😍

Hab ich auch direkt gedacht. Sieht aus wie eine Filmkulisse!

Imibiko yokuvakasha Thailand