
Experience Tour 2.0

已发表: 06.09.2017

Today was not as chaotic as yesterday. Luckily. Together with Jess, I took the girls to school.
Update on the English school system: Classes are not spelled out like ours (1a; 1b; 1c ...) but classes are named after the teachers. For example, Sophie goes to 3E because her teacher's name is Miss Ellard. Also, children are not allowed to just leave after school. Instead, the teacher stands at the door, each child has to shake her hand, say goodbye, and can only leave when the teacher is sure that the parents, au pair, or someone else is there to pick up the child. A bit strange but okay :D

After dropping off the kids, I went to St. Edmund Church in Abingdon, where Jess kindly dropped me off. Every Wednesday from 9.30-11, there is Cake and Conversation. Nice old ladies organize it. Anyone who wants to can come by. There is coffee or tea and of course cake. First, there is some information about what is happening in the city during the week (this weekend Open Abingdon), and then people sit in groups and chat a bit. Really great for practicing English and meeting new people (yes, au pairs too, not just old ones ;) ). It was almost a shame when it was over at 11.

After that, I went to Wantage (alone in my car). No, I didn't run anyone over, and no, I didn't wreck the car either :P In Wantage, there was a small (as you can see in the pictures, tiny^^) market. After I did what I wanted, I looked around a bit and what do I see? A man has to hand write the sign for the shop o.o The letters were pre-drawn, but still a sh*** job, I would say. BUT he did a very good job, in my opinion. I also found a little church here. In England, it is how you might imagine it from earlier times.
Around the church, a small cemetery. And I see that at every church here!!! At least Cracker didn't disappear today *relieved*

Together with Indi (the girl with the red hair ;) ), I picked up the girls again. Then back home, cook, eat, shower for the kids, and off to bed. A completely normal and nice evening =) Let's see what tomorrow brings... Taking the kids to school alone *biting my nails*
