
Looking for THE picture

已发表: 09.11.2020

We are still searching for THE Tuscany and once again, luck helps us. When looking at the map, we discover Val d'Orcia near Siena. Curiosity drives us to the region, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2004. I wonder why?

After just a few kilometers, it is clear that we have finally reached the postcard Tuscany.

Cone-shaped hills with old properties amidst agricultural land dominate the landscape, as well as the famous and often photographed cypress avenues.

But not all of them are postcard motifs, however, we are looking for exactly that.

On the views of the last souvenir shops, Zappa finds the image of his choice, which is why we set out to explore the depiction.

This is not it!
This is not it!

We visit the listed places, but we don't find it. Interrupted by thunderstorms, we traverse the grounds, which were redesigned in the 14th and 15th centuries to reflect the harmony between man and nature, as an agricultural space.

It's not here either!

Our research trips constantly lead us to wonderful, amazingly impressive, and spectacular views of typical Tuscan panoramas, framed by tall, classic cypress avenues. However, the one and only is not among them! We drive, walk, hike, stroll, and keep an eye out but can't find it.

Where is it?
Where is it?

Instead, we come across countless other magnificent and fabulous motifs. It's a shame that we only have our phones on board. It seems that another trip to Italy is inevitable - and not just because of the food.

Even shopping at the local Lidl becomes a challenge of decision-making. A huge refrigerated shelf with fresh pasta, with the most diverse fillings imaginable, an equally large section with spaghetti, penne, rigatoni, farfalle, linguini, fettuccini - I can't list them all! And the antipasti, it's impossible to try everything in just three weeks.

More pasta!
More pasta!

Back to the cypresses: we capture a few avenues. On some of them, there are already worn photographer trails over now harvested fields so that magnificent entrance portals do not obstruct the subject. However, THE magnificent road is not among them.

Neither is this...
Neither is this...

So, we have to come back again.

