Pacific Crest Trail, Mount San Jacinto

Atejade: 01.05.2021

The last few days we have crossed the San Jacinto Wilderness. The highlight was the ascent to the San Jacinto summit at 3300 meters.

We had to cross small snowfields and tackle steep climbs. However, the views are fantastic.

I am hiking in a small group with Raz (ISR), Silvia (D), and Maartin (NL). We hike about 30 km per day before setting up camp in the evening. Yesterday, we reached the 200 mile mark and everything is starting to become more routine: setting up and taking down the tents, packing the backpack, preparing food with the gas stove. I just can't get used to the heavy backpack quickly and I keep thinking about what else I can throw out.

In the past few days, I have been approached by other hikers about my scallop shell that I carry on my backpack. Many have heard of the 'Camino' and want to know more about it.

Every few days, we go to a town for resupplying. Either by hitchhiking or Uber, if the towns are not directly on the trail. 'Towndays' are always a big celebration: hot showers, restaurant visits, doing laundry, grocery shopping, and of course, overnight stays in hotels. Today, we are stopping in Palm Springs. After that, we will continue towards San Bernadino National Park.

Idahun (3)

¡Dennis! You are the best ambassador to explain what Camino is. I feel so proud of you and more when I see that you carry with you the shell. We are pilgrims wherever we are. Continue enjoying and take care! :)

Thank you, Diana! You would love this trail ;-) Buen Camino!

Denson, so herrlich, das zu lesen! Da kann man richtig teilhaben und ich kann mir so gut vorstellen, wie du die town days genießt! 😊😊

Awọn ijabọ irin-ajo USA
#usa#kalifornien#pct#palm springs