
From Gleichenberg to Katowice

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 16.01.2024

We landed well this afternoon near Katowice in a snowstorm. The campground seemed closed at first (😫) but the restaurant next to it was open and we were able to pass the gate to the parking space and electricity. What's so pleasant here is that the restaurant is open in the late afternoon (you don't have to wait until 8 p.m. like in the south, yay). The food was excellent and yet a lot cheaper than ours. Polish gastronomy must have been taught by the Carinthians a long time ago...Polish pirogi 😋 - see photo 😄!

Now we treated ourselves to a digestive schnapps and got the car ready for the night. It has stopped snowing (there is a few cm of snow) and is currently -2°, so no problem.

We'll watch handball today (streamed on the laptop) and move further north tomorrow morning.

ענטפער (1)

Mahlzeit, und weiterhin eine gute Reise!


מער רייזע ריפּאָרץ