
It's starting…

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 15.01.2024

It's time! Tomorrow morning we start our Northern Lights journey. We are driving to Poland via Slovakia and want to spend the first night near Katowice. The warm laundry for body and bed is packed, the gas supply is filled and the refrigerator is full. We're excited to see what winter feels like in the north. We would be happy if some dear friends would join us on this travel blog - we would be happy to keep you up to date!

ענטפער (3)

Fast hätte ich euch "immer eine Handbreit Wasser unter dem Kiel" gewünscht. Alles Gute!

Danke, Gerhard! Wir haben eine Handbreit Wasser unter den Rädern - in Schneeform! 🥶

Super! So tolle Fotos, danke 👍 Da seid ihr ja voll in eurem Element. Gute Reise weiterhin 🍀

רייזע ריפּאָרץ פוילן