...lost in Paradise - alle guten Dinge sind drei...
...lost in Paradise - alle guten Dinge sind drei...

Bali... why Bali though??

פֿאַרעפֿנטלעכט: 14.06.2019

Now the time has come, on Monday it starts... For the third time in a row, it's off to Asia again with a backpack and no idea what to expect.
But let's go back to the beginning, the planning actually started last year. This time it was supposed to be a road trip through Europe. First it was the North Cape, but then 3 weeks seemed too short. So it should be Romania/ Black Sea and in the end I settled for Croatia. Along through the Czech Republic/ Austria/ Slovenia. The route was actually planned and then I thought...

...alone, 3 weeks just with a car... oh noooo, let's do something with sun, beach and sea... So it became very spontaneous Bali.

So the ticket was booked in a night-and-fog action and now it's off on Monday. I've never been so unprepared this year. There is a very rough route and an accommodation for the first two nights, but that's about it.

But honestly, apart from a credit card, swimming trunks and passport, you don't really need anything else. So packed an Aldi bag, put in some deodorant, swimming trunks and off you go.

In any case, I'm looking forward to it like a little child in a play paradise because from Monday on it's all about... sun, sea, and easy-going. The only problem with the perfect Denny plan... Monday morning I have to start driving to Prague at 5 am and BRN is just around the corner. Well, at least a 50/50 chance that it will work out. What more do you want ;-) 

In this sense...

Goodbye, take care, see you soon....


רייזע ריפּאָרץ טשעכיע